Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sylar's Father and More Info on Bryan Fuller's Return

Near the end of the upcoming Fugitives story arc, us viewers are going to meet the man that spawned Sylar! And it seems only fitting that he was the horrible father of a horrible man, on Smallville. That's right, Sylar's papa is none other than John Glover, aka Lionel Luthor."When Sylar meets his father, he's going to see a path ahead of him that he doesn't want to take," a Heroes insider told Michael Ausiello over at EW (makes me wish I had insiders). "He has a lot more in common with his father than he realized."

So his Dad is going to be evil, and very likely have powers. Give me some suggestions for what you think they'll be. Oh, and thanks for the votes on the poll!

The second bit of information comes courtesy of Michael Ausiello once again!. It's an interview with one Bryan Fuller. There's some very not subtle hints dropped, and I'll only give highlights because it is Mr. Ausiello's interview after all. Fuller said that he thinks Heroes has fallen into too many "sci-fi trappings" with the catalyst and the formula, and thinks Heroes needs to get back to having evil have a face. Apparently Fuller will be back for season 19 and into season 4 as a consultant, and he said that the Fugitives arc starts very strongly, but becomes muddled in the middle. Fuller said he's back when it's muddled, and he and the writers know they have to "put faces on stories" to get rid of that muddling.

Fuller also dropped some great hints about the upcoming Fugitives arc (which begins Feb. 2). After saving the world (presumably), Peter is a paramedic and Claire is choosing colleges. Life is back to normal. As well, Matt's cheating wife will be back, and as Fuller said "we’ll find out what happens when you have a superbaby". That should be interesting. On top of all of this, there's a semi-new format for each episode. There will be three or four stories per episode only, with one big one that brings all the storylines together. And, that main story will take up a much larger perecentage of the show. That'll be a welcome change, as a lot of episodes lately have felt like we get to see a character for two minutes and that's it.

In personnel news, as if we didn't know, Fuller will be answering to Mr. Tim Kring, and apparently they have a healthy relationship.

Well, that's the Heroes news for now. Give me your feedback on how you feel about Fuller's return, and stay tuned for more Heroes news throughout the week.

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