Monday, December 8, 2008

Heroes - Our Father Review

You know, it's episodes like these that keep me watching, that keep me writing this, that keep me hoping that one day, everything is going to click for Heroes and we'll get episodes like this every Monday. It's episodes like this that are going to convince viewers to return to the show they fell in love with in Season 1.

I liked the Claire and Hiro scenes. They haven't been together before, and I think it was a success. The language barriers were amusing. Generally, these time travel scenes were good. Far better than the episode "Villains", where history seemed to be rewritten and the scenes felt rushed and not believable at all. These scenes gave me the feeling of pieces falling into place, as opposed to the five year old jamming the puzzle pieces into places they don't go. As well, the various discussions of giving out the catalyst were very well done for moving the story forward, and Tamlyn Tomita was excellent in her role. Masi and her had very good chemistry, and the scene were Hiro becomes the catalyst was very touching. That was a very strong guest spot, that really boosted the episode.

Now, as you have hopefully seen on my blog, I'm a fan of Sylar, and a critic of where his character has been taken. Tonight's episode was like a dream come true. Sylar got right back on his delightfully evil path, with the burning of Elle and the acquiring of Sue Landers power. He's returned to brain eating (er, brain-examining?). I got shivers when Sylar used the predictable line "It's not going to hurt a bit," and then he took delight in the fact that Landers knew he was lying. That whole section in the office was great, with the cake comment by Sylar, and the crazy sweaty guy in the elevator. And Sylar's arrival and slaying of Arthur was a great move forward for the story (despite the problems I mentioned above). All in all, this episode was a fantastic return to form for Sylar.

I don't really have a ton to say about Ando, Matt and Daphne's bit. This segment worked better than in previous episodes, mostly because Daphne and Matt used their powers a bit more, I think. I highly doubt Ando will become a time-traveler, but I'm excited for him to get his purple-fire power. The comic didn't do much for us, but there is certainly more to come in the comic, and I suppose that will be revealed as time goes on.

Well there were some random things that attracted my attention this episode. Firstly, hey Chad Faust! Welcome! And why did Tracy brag Pinehearst could choose powers, when it seemed they had no idea what your power was going to be? Secondly, all guns on Heroes are sexy. Plain and simple. I started thinking this when Sandra lay little Claire-Bear (that's where the absurdly childish nickname comes from) wouldn't Sandra notice when bumps, cuts and scrapes a child naturally acquires disappeared off her child as she rushed to get a band aid? It was nice to finally see some semblance of a lobby at Pinehearst. And what was the importance of the Flint/Knox stare down with Nathan? Are they going to provide their new, fearless leader with some trouble?

As episodes go, I was damn impressed. It did a very good job of moving the story forward, and putting the episode in place for a showdown between Nathan and his Marines and (a powerless?) Peter. Hopefully Peter gets his powers back soon, or else he's going to need serious help to take-down (or at least hold his ground) against Nathan. However Peter gets his powers back, I hope someone will save Hiro. He's finally got his memories back, he knows how to be a hero...everything is falling in place for him! If Heroes can build on this episode next week, they can get some momentum going into their hiatus, and keep all of us fans excited for Heroes' return.

Well, my blog has seen an increase in traffic (a minimal increase) and apparently Eric Doyle, the creepy puppet guy, commented on my blog. Which is pretty awesome. Anyways, if you're visiting, please leave a comment (or become a follower) so I know I'm not writing just for myself. Tell me what you thought of the episode, how you think Heroes is going so far, how you feel about the return of Sylar and how to "pretty up" my blog page (apparently it's the anti-sexy). Oh, and check out my new poll on the side.

Continue checking "A View From My Couch" for all your Heroes news and fearless predictions, leading up to next week's episode. After that, I'll be providing all the information you need to survive the hiatus.

See you around!

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