Sunday, March 1, 2009

Breaking Bad: Season 1, Episode 3: ...and the Bag's in the River

When I went to watch episode 3, I guess I chose the wrong one, because I was greeted to a black screen and sounds of two people having sex. It faded in, and I found myself wondering if every episode was going to start with Walter making coitus (yeah, I watch Rome) with Skyler. Also, I wondered, does Skyler own only one sleeping shirt? With that brief detour aside, I was ready to watch another chapter in a show that has quickly and powerfully captured my attention. Episode 3, though it featured a lot of brilliant character moments, annoyed me at times. Don't get me wrong, it was a very good episode, just the fact that there was ten minutes to go and no serious story progression had occurred with Krazy-8 had me going insane with impatience. However, the conversations Walter and Krazy-8 (actually Domingo) shared were very eye opening, and complemented by scenes that expounded on the character introductions from the pilot.
We find out Marie is without a doubt a nagging, meddling lady, who apparently is also a shoplifter. That's an interesting little quirk, and I'm wondering where that'll go. We saw Hank a lot more than last episode, whether it was taking down some people at a drug bust, showing Walter Jr. a meth addicted hooker or showing off his detective skills. Marie was worried that Walter Jr. was doing drugs, so Hank took Walter to a shady motel to show him what marijuana leads to. Of course we know Walter Jr. isn't doing drugs, but the scene was very good. I'm liking Hank more and more every time I see him. He's ridiculous, with his deep gravely voice and his incessant use of 'baby' when talking to Marie. Hank's brash and smug and almost like something out of a Seth McFarlane show, but you still could easily imagine him being your neighbour.
Most of the episode focused on the Domingo situation, and because Walter has been spending so much time their, Skyler became suspicious. When Walter tries to use the excuse that he's working at the car wash, Skyler reveals she knows he no longer works there, so our nerdy hero is in a bit of a dilemma. At the end of the episode, Walt's at home, and about to tell his wife (presumably) that he has terminal lung cancer. Like their marriage needs any more strain. But of course, we have to wait until next episode.
Two other developments caught my attention. Jesse is a blabbermouth, as evidenced by the fact that Domingo knew a fair bit about Walter. This could pose a serious problem, because Walter will truly be living two lives, and a lot of trust will be put on his fairly stupid partner. Secondly, the gas mask situation from the end of last episode was added to. Hank and his partner (those two are very good together. In fact, I'd rather watch them in a feature film than watch Righteous Kill again) are out in the desert, investigating Walter's meth lab accident. They rightly guess that an RV is being used for the mobile meth lab, and we get to see Hank is pretty frigging good at his job. It's fun to watch him spout off drug knowledge and show off his skills.
A last little aside before I finish up and watch the next episode: I like all the scenes that show location in Breaking Bad. I love in a TV show when the location is important, where you feel like it's really happening in the chosen city. I absolutely loathe when you're sitting there thinking "this was filmed in a big white box in LA". Taking those extra few seconds to show off the scenery in the desert and such, it really adds to the experience. 

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