Monday, February 23, 2009

Read another Blog

So...I've come to the conclusion that if I write a bazillion blogs, eventually people will read them...Oh wait, I'm the only one stupid enough to systematically read through every blog entry on a blogger's page. That's a tidbit, in case you're wondering what I've been doing these last few hours when I should be working. I'm reading Seriocity, a blog by a very interesting TV writer. It's fun to read, because she knows stuff, spells TV TeeVee, is sarcastic and humorous and...I left her a comment plugging my blog about Heroes, before I realized she HATES Heroes. 
So, that's my first blatant blog-plug. I'm sure she'd welcome even more viewers, and so whenever (inevitably?) people stumble onto my blog, they'll go to her blog. Wait...does that mean I lose readers? I haven't figured out, or really looked for that thing people have on the side where they link to other blogs, but I'll do that soon.
I didn't really intend for this blog to be all about her blog, but that's how it is I guess. I have two other blog ideas that are on the horizon, but I don't want to do them yet. It doesn't But, I guess she's deserving. That blog is very interesting (though I'm a soulless bastard and skip over the music stuff). 
I'll do my TV thoughts on shows to watch, and not watch, soon. I know you're all eagerly awaiting it. In the meantime, don't choke on food and avoid being trampled by bison.

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